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APM consultant in black polo smiling

We're dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive

At APM Employment Services, as part of our commitment to disability inclusion, we have established a Accessibility Advisory Group within our organisation.

This group plays a crucial role in ensuring that our products and platforms are regularly reviewed to improve accessibility and meet the needs of our diverse customers, clients and program participants – including participants within Disability Employment Services.

Accessibility Advisory Group

Our group includes passionate individuals, many of whom have disabilities themselves.

This diverse team brings invaluable perspectives and firsthand experiences to the table, enabling us to collaborate and review websites and applications with a focus on accessibility.

By utilising a range of accessibility tools, our team ensures inclusivity and user experience is always at the forefront of developing our digital solutions, including this website.

Our ongoing commitment 

Accessibility is not a one-time effort but an ongoing commitment at APM.

We continuously review and enhance the accessibility of our website and applications to meet the evolving needs of our users.

Our working group regularly meets to identify and address any barriers, ensuring that our communications and platforms remain accessible.

Alyesha from APM who has a visual disability uses a screen reader to tst the APM website

Learning and improvement

To stay at the forefront of accessibility best practices, APM team members involved in our communications, design, and digital platforms, regularly participate in accessibility training.

This ongoing education helps us stay informed about the latest developments in accessibility standards and technologies, allowing us to implement the most effective solutions for our users.

At APM Employment Services, we believe that accessibility is a fundamental right.

Our Accessibility Advisory Group embodies our dedication to creating an inclusive digital experience for all.

We are proud of our ongoing efforts to make our digital platforms accessible and are committed to continuous improvement in this vital area.


We welcome all feedback that can help us improve the accessibility and quality of our services.

If you have any feedback about the accessibility of this website or other APM products, platforms, or publications, please visit our Feedback page or email your comments to


DES participant Stephen smiles with an APM employment consultant