Accepting her disability opened a world of opportunities for Ayesha

Ayesha helps make sure the community is accessible and that people with disability feel empowered.

But before she could help others, she had to reach her own point of acceptance.

“It wasn't until after I left high school that I actually accepted my disability and said, ‘Stuff it, I don't care what people think,’ and it was the best thing I ever did because now everything that's happened in my life, is mainly because I have a disability.

“Which is great that it's led to lots of opportunities — being able to share, empower and advocate for others has been great.

Read a full transcript of this video.

Ayesha is a Local Area Coordination community capacity builder at APM Communities and has a vision impairment.

“The condition I have, the cells in my retina are dying, so all the ones that are in charge of your peripheral vision, night vision, colour, depth. And then I have cataracts over the top as well.”

Being in an inclusive work environment like APM, enables Ayesha to thrive across a range of projects helping others.

“It's so empowering. I'm very excited with what I do at APM. And every day is different because it can be creating projects or building capacity and skills for people with disabilities.” 


Ellie and Ayesha

She knows firsthand how successful workplace inclusiveness can be and has this advice for any business wanting to support people with vision impairments or disability.  

“Don't be scared of employing someone with vision impairment or disability," Ayesha adds.

“Look at their skills and try and accommodate or arrange ways that the person can still do their job…looking at the skills and not being scared of accommodating and creating solutions instead of barriers.”


Ellie Cole’s Couch

In this incredible series, Ellie sat down with team members from across APM to discuss how their own experience with disability motivates and inspires them to support people with disability.

See more of these conversations and how APM’s diverse and dedicated team members deliver on our shared purpose of enabling better lives, on the Our people page.

More on disability with APM