Lesley's story transcript

Lesley: I don't see myself as having a disability anymore. My name is Lesley. I am 41. I've had nerve reconstruction in my arm. It's made getting a job difficult for me because I don't have the strength in my right arm that I should.

David: Lesley came to APM. She wanted to work in retail and hospitality, so we went about marketing her to local businesses to find her just the employment she wanted to do.

Lesley: The job I'm in now, I make sushi. I am also the salesperson and now I'm doing what I want to do. I couldn't provide. My daughter had to miss out on the things that she shouldn't have had to miss out on. Now, it's all changed.

David: She's a lot more positive, a lot more motivated. She's a lot more driven.

Lesley: I think it's really important that people take on people with disabilities, because at the end of the day, we can do jobs too. There doesn't seem to be any complaints or anything. So yeah, I mean, everyone deserves a go.