Disability Employment Services

If you're living with a disability, injury, or health condition,
talk to us about finding the right job for you.

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Job seeker with disability entering workplace in a fish shop after help from APM Employment Services

There’s a job out there for you. Let's go find it.

Disability Employment Services with APM is about helping you to achieve your goals, find the right job, and be supported in the workplace.

If you’re eligible for Disability Employment Services in Australia, we can help connect you with the local employers who are hiring people right now.

Plus, you can get help with:

  • Searching for jobs suitable for you
  • Writing resumes, cover letters and job applications
  • Coaching to perform well in job interviews
  • Meeting local employers near you
  • Valuable work placement opportunities
  • Access to job-specific training
  • Transport, tools and uniform costs

Read a full transcript here.

Jarryd at work after support from APM Employment Services to find a job

Am I eligible for Disability Employment Services?

To qualify for Disability Employment Services, you must be:

  • Living with a disability, injury, or health condition that affects your ability to work
  • An Australian resident aged from 14 to the Age Pension age
  • At or above the minimum legal working age in your state or territory
  • Receiving an income support payment, Disability Support Pension, an NDIS participant or an eligible school leaver
  • Able to work between eight to 30 hours per week (with support when required)
  • Not studying full time (unless you’re an eligible school leaver)
  • Not already working at or above your assessed work capacity

If you’re with another provider, but would like to change to APM, contact us and our teams will be happy to speak to you.

If you're already receiving an income support payment, you can also register with us directly.

Why thousands of job seekers choose APM every year

Read a full transcript here.

We have been helping people find and stay in employment for more than 30 years, and we know the value and health benefits a job can bring.

APM Employment Services is also Australia’s largest trusted provider of Disability Employment Services, with our teams delivering the program to more employment regions than any other provider.

By joining APM for Disability Employment Services, we can help you with:

  • Searching for work - We know what employers are looking for and how you can prepare for your new job.
  • Support to stay in work - If you have a job, we can help you and your employer access support to keep you at work if you develop a disability, injury, or health condition.
  • Next step after school - If you’re about to leave school with a disability or health condition, we'll help you access short training courses, work experience and job placements with local employers.
  • Workplace modifications - If you're not getting the help you need at work, we can help you access tools, equipment or workplace modifications to make your job easier.
  • Workplace assessments - If you’re already working, a workplace assessment can help identify what you and your employer need to make your job easier.

Learn more about Disability Employment Services

A male butcher with a disability smiling at store counter

What is Disability Employment Services?

Find out everything you need to know about APM's Disability Employment Services program.

Does APM support my health condition?

Our Disability Employment Services teams help people access the right support to manage and overcome a wide range of health and mental health challenges, which may impact their ability to find and keep a job.

Female DES participant talking to APM consultant at desk
A female DES participant sitting and talking to employment consultant

Why join APM?

Learn why thousands of people across Australia join APM for Disability Employment Services every year.

Disability Employment Services information in other languages

Find information in your preferred language and learn how DES can support you on your employment journey.

Female DES participant talking to APM consultant at desk

What happens when you join Disability Employment Services with APM?

We'll set up your first meeting with us so you can meet your dedicated employment consultant

They are your guide to finding a job and will talk you through how we help you, how to get the most from the Disability Employment Services program and what steps you need to take next. This includes:

  • Explaining the services we provide
  • Providing you with a copy of our Service Guarantee and Code of Practice
  • Explaining your rights and obligations and prepare a job plan outlining the activities and interventions we can offer to help you get work
  • Discussing your disability, injury, or health condition, and how it affects your ability to work, and the support you need to reduce this impact
  • Exploring your best way to search for a job and an initial list of appropriate job vacancies
  • Discussing local job opportunities and skill shortage areas near you

We work in partnership with you to help you succeed.

Let’s get to work on clear path to your next job.

DES participant Jess talking to her APM Employment Consultant

Get started with Disability Employment Services in four easy steps


Register with us, and we'll be
in touch in the next couple of
days to discuss further.


Meet your dedicated
employment consultant at
your nearest APM office.


Discuss the barriers you
, and employment needs.


Your employment journey

Our help doesn’t stop when you find a job

We support you and your employer for at least the first six months to make sure everything runs smoothly.

We’re committed to giving you the best start in your new job. We can support you with:

  • A workplace assessment, or applying for modifications
  • Help settling into your new role
  • Help with any confusing issues, including talking with your boss
  • Strategies to overcome personal problems that might affect work
  • Speaking with your support services so everyone works together
  • Linking you with health, training and community supports

Your employment consultant will take you through the supports available to make sure you find a sustainable job that works for you from your first day and beyond.