Best jobs for people living with Asperger’s

A man and woman in green uniforms holding a dog and cat, showcasing their love for animals

Are you living with Asperger’s syndrome and want to find a job?

Whatever your strengths, skills and challenges are, there are many types of jobs for people with Asperger’s syndrome.

Asperger's syndrome falls under the umbrella of autism spectrum disorders (ASD).

Some people living with autism may identify as having Asperger's syndrome as they may have been previously diagnosed with it, however the term has not been used in diagnosis since before 2013.

People living with autism have different levels of support needs, and can have fulfilling and active roles in the wider community.

Although it can be challenging to find meaningful and valuable work, having a job can be highly beneficial.

Not only does a job give you more financial freedom, it can also give you a sense of purpose, help you learn new skills and give you the chance to connect with other people.

Finding a job that’s right for you

Finding a fulfilling job can be challenging. From writing resumes to managing interviews and searching for the right opportunities – there’s a lot to think about.

Check out our guide on getting a job with Asperger’s syndrome for more expert information and advice.

A great place to start is by brainstorming your strengths, skills and challenges.

Speaking with a professional can help you discover the types of jobs that might suit you as an individual.

What are my strengths?

Think about things you’ve done and enjoyed in the past. What did you excel at? This can help you figure out the strengths and skills that you can bring to a job.

  • Do you have good attention to detail?
  • Are you trustworthy and reliable?
  • Can you perform tasks to a high level of accuracy?

What environment do I work best in?

There are many different types of work environments.

Many people with Asperger’s Syndrome find routine and predictability to be beneficial.

  • Do you prefer to focus on one task at a time rather than multitasking?
  • Is a quiet, distraction-free environment important for you to do your best work?

Female passing paper to APM Employment Consultant at APM office

Job ideas for people with Asperger’s syndrome

1. Veterinary technician - If you like working with animals and have an eye for detail, you might do well as a vet tech. The role includes providing health care to animals, collecting specimens and conducting research in a laboratory.

2. Administrative officer -  If you’re good at performing repetitive tasks to a high level of accuracy, you might do well as an administrative officer. This job involves tasks such as maintaining records, preparing reports and sending out invoices.

3. Computer scientist - Do you have an interest in technology and good problem solving skills? Computer scientists write software to improve computers, websites, mobile devices and more.

4. Quality control officer - Are you good with noticing small details? Quality control officers are responsible for making sure a project meets the right standards. They work in all sorts of industries such as construction, hospitality, education and health.

5. Construction worker - Construction workers help on building and construction sites. This could be a good role for you if you have high level motor coordination, strong maths skills and a good memory.

6. Accountant - If you are good with numbers and like routine tasks, you might like working as an accountant. Accountants keep financial records, prepare tax returns, write reports and analyse accounts.

7. Journalist - Are you good at gathering information and looking closely at the facts? Journalists are responsible for researching and writing articles in an objective and balanced way.

8. Physicist - Physicists are scientists who specialise in physics. Their role might include researching natural phenomena, producing reports and lecturing students about physics.

9. Teacher/lecturer - Do you have a passion for a particular subject? You could become a teacher and help others learn more about the topic. You’ll need good language skills to communicate ideas effectively.

10. Bank teller - Are you good with numbers and accuracy? Working as a bank teller might be a good fit for you. Bank tellers are responsible for tasks such as cashing checks, recording deposits and exchanging money for foreign currency.

Having trouble finding work? APM can help

If you’re living with Asperger’s syndrome and looking for work, you could be eligible for APM’s Disability Employment Services program.

We can help you with:

  • Finding suitable job opportunities
  • Writing resumes, cover letters and job applications
  • Gaining new skills to make you more employable
  • Accessing support to stay in your job

Every week we help thousands of job seekers find employment opportunities that suit their unique skills and capabilities. That includes finding jobs for people with Asperger’s syndrome.

We believe there’s a job out there for everyone and we want to help you experience the life-changing benefits of meaningful employment.

Ready to get started? Register for our Disability Employment Services program today.