Finding jobs for Autistic people

The process of looking for a job can be challenging. That's why helping you find fulfilling work, that supports you and your health is our mission.

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A DES participant smiles behind the wheel of his work car

Find a job that works for you

If you’re Autistic and looking for work, you aren’t alone. 1 in 100 Australians across our country are also Autistic, with many thriving in the workforce. 

Searching for fulfilling work while managing your mental health can be tricky, and it's our mission to support you to not only find meaningful work, but also thrive in your workplace.

Finding meaningful work as an Autistic person is worthwhile as it can:

  • Provide a sense of purpose and meaning to daily life

  • Increase financial independence 

  • Build self-esteem

  • Create a weekly routine and structure

Below, you’ll find advice on understanding how to identify your strengths, learn what you really need from a job and get ideas of job roles that may fit your needs.

Your journey and situation are your own, and discovering what will work for you is an essential part of that journey.  

Keep reading for tips on finding a job as an Autistic person.

What to look for in a job as an Autistic person

As you probably already know, many Autistic people are capable of finding and keeping a job in a range of different industries and workplaces. 

Behavioural symptoms, ways of thinking, skills and interests vary from person to person, which means there is no single job that is perfect for every person.

In your job search, focus on finding a role that aligns with how you process information and allows you to use your strengths every day.

While every person's autism is unique, you may like to consider the following job features: 

What are my strengths?

Are you a strong visual thinker with an excellent long-term memory?

Are you good with numbers and facts?

Think about how your skills and strengths make you a valuable addition to different types of workplaces.

What tasks do I perform best?

Do you find it difficult to multitask?

Do you work best with repetitive tasks that have a clear endpoint?

Think about the types of jobs that will empower you to do your best work.

What environment do I work best in?

Do you work best in a quiet, odourless environment?

Do you find social interaction challenging?

Think about which types of workplaces would be most safe and supportive for you.

Job ideas for Autistic people

Every experience with autism is unique, which means there’s no one-size-fits-all list of jobs that will work for you.

However, here are some ideas to get you thinking about what employment could best suit you.

Remember, when looking through these job suggestions consider your unique skills, capabilities and needs. 

If you’re having trouble deciding what job is best for you, we can help. 

Speaking to one of APM’s employment consultants can help you discover other workplaces you may not have considered before, and that may be more suitable for your situation. 

Jobs to do with numbers and facts

  • Computer programmer
  • Statistician
  • Data scientist
  • Researcher
  • Bookkeeper
  • Accountant
  • Auditor 
  • Software developer

Jobs that feature repetitive and/or structured tasks

  • Taxi driver
  • Shelf stocker
  • Factory assembly
  • Librarian
  • Nail technician 
  • Landscaper
  • Mechanic
  • Freight handler
  • Laundry worker
  • Fruit picking and packing 

Jobs with low social interaction

  • Tradesperson
  • Lab technician
  • Shelf stocker
  • Landscaper 
  • Florist
  • Web developer
  • Dog walker
  • Cleaner
  • Truck driver
  • Auditor
  • Freelance copywriter
DES participant Nicholas sits in a gym where he works

*Please note that these job suggestions may not be suitable for every Autistic person. These job suggestions may suit some people depending on their circumstances including, but not limited to, their current experience as an Autistic person.

What employment support can I access?

If you are eligible for Disability Employment Services, (autism is a supported health condition), APM can provide support to assist you to find work. 

Disability Employment Services (DES) is a government-funded program designed to help you find and keep work and is provided at no cost to participants.

You may get access to:

  • Career advice
  • Finding suitable job opportunities
  • Meeting local employers
  • Writing resumes and job applications
  • Preparing for job interviews
  • Accessing training
  • Accessing mental health support
  • Ongoing workplace support
  • Accessing funding for things like uniforms and transport
  • Accessing workplace modifications to help you succeed at work
  • Workplace assessments to help identify what support is right for you
An APM employee in a black polo smiles in conversation with a DES participant

Ready to get started?

Register now to see if you’re eligible for our, Disability Employment Services program and start your employment journey.

Success stories from Autistic people who achieved their goals

"Disability is just a different
kind of ability"

Video transcriptMore success stories

"I feel more confident
in myself"

Video transcript | More success stories

"APM were always there
for me"

Video transcript | More success stories

Get a personal job plan

APM can help you find fulfilling work by building you a job plan that’s tailored to your needs.

Identify your strengths:

  • Many strengths can come from your life experience, including being an autistic person (rather than just your work history). It’s important to identify these as they can be valuable in the workforce. 
  • Your strengths could include things like attention to detail, logical thinking and fast learning that can be valuable in many roles.
  • Identifying your strengths on your own can be hard. If you need a hand, our team at APM would love to help. Our goal is to help you find a job that suits your strengths, skills and interests, and we are committed to supporting you throughout the entire process.

Building a job program around you:

  • Explore realistic job options where you can succeed
  • Develop a personal strategy that includes job searches, resumes and interviews
  • Discuss your support needs with your employer
  • Look at any requirements for equipment or workplace modifications to help you perform a specific job
  • Consider what support you might need when you start working

Get started in three easy steps

Step one

Register with us, and we'll be in touch in the next few days to discuss your eligibility and how to join DES with APM.

artwork of a job seeker registering for DES with APM
Step two

If you're eligible, you'll meet your APM employment consultant and tell them your interests, goals and challenges.

artwork of a DES participant meeting an APM consultant
Step three

You get to work with your employment consultant and start your plan for new skills, training or a job that’s right for you.


Our support doesn't stop when you start working

We also want to make sure you and your employer have everything you need to be a success together.

Depending on your level of support and the job you start, we work together to make sure you’re able to work safely and effectively.

This can include helping you access training, job coaching, performance monitoring, and understanding the workplace culture and what is expected from you.

We also support workplaces with proactive education to be aware of any impacts your disability may have so we can help avoid any misunderstandings and create a culture of support and inclusion.

If you need ongoing support for long periods of time we will also discuss this with you and establish a support structure.

Our goal is to see you enjoy rewarding and long-term employment and ensure you have the right level of support to succeed.

Get in touch with our teams to find out more.

DES participant Ngaire with her employer and APM consultant walking outside a rural property

Other advice and resources that may help you find a job

Do I have autism?

How to know if you have autism. The common signs and symptoms, how to get a diagnosis and where to get support.

Read more

Benalla Breakers All Ability Basketball Team coach
How to get a job with autism

In this step-by-step guide, you’ll find tools and tips about searching for work, writing a resume and managing interviews.

Read more

A woman smiles holding flowers in a shop
Living with autism

If you're an Autistic person, understanding the strategies and supports available may help towards leading a more positive, fulfilling daily life.

Read more

A man in a blue work top stands in a factory

About this article

APM supports people with disability, injury, or a health condition through various programs and services across its businesses, including Disability Employment Services in Australia.

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.

When discussing disability, APM’s copy style is to use person-first language and the social model of disability in the first instance. Some articles may use identity-first language or refer to the medical model of disability for clarity or to better suit a specific audience.

If you have any questions or feedback about the content of this article, visit our Feedback page to get in touch or email

A note on language and autism at APM

At APM our language style is the adoption of a person-first approach, which emphasises the individual over their disability. For example, we refer to "people with disability" rather than "disabled people," acknowledging disability is just one aspect of a person's identity.

However, we also recognise language preferences can vary among different communities and individuals. Therefore, we are mindful of using identity-first language when it is preferred, particularly in the case of autism.

Many people prefer identity-focused language, such as "Autistic person," as it reflects their pride and identity within the Autistic community.

This is consistent with the Australian Government’s language in the National Autism Strategy. And is supported by leading autism organisations including: Amaze, Aspect, Autism CRC, and Early Start Australia.

Through our person-first approach and sensitivity to identity-focused language, we strive to foster a culture of acceptance and understanding for all.