North America

APM operates four businesses in North America

Grant Associates

Grant Associates has a team of over 400 employees delivering workforce, business and consulting services across six states and territories - New York, Texas, Washington DC, Tennessee, Maryland, and Pennsylvania.

Dynamic Workforce Solutions

Dynamic Workforce Solutions (DWFS), based in Waukesha, Wisconsin, delivers workforce development services including consulting, management, and administrative services.

Ross Innovative Employment Solutions

Ross Innovative Employment Solutions offers a variety of services throughout the United States to assist youth and adults to enter or re-enter the labour market, as well as providing support for both job seekers and employers.

Ross IES is a leading provider of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, youth programs, welfare to work, GED instruction, food assistance, English as a second language and prisoner re-entry. Ross IED also offers workshops, one-to-one guidance, skills assessments and ongoing follow up services to provide continued support.

WCG Services

WCG Services is a leader in delivering employment and vocational rehabilitation services across Canada. WCG keeps its focus directly on people through:

  • Employment programs
  • Vocational rehabilitation services
  • Training and development
  • Case management solutions

WCG proudly delivers the Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance Program (RSVP) on behalf of Veterans Affairs Canada. RSVP is a national program delivering vocation rehabilitation and assistance to Veterans and their families.

Equus Workforce Solutions

Equus Workforce Solutions also has a presence in Canada, with its subsidiary Agilec providing employment services in Ontario and career transition services for Veterans Affairs Canada.

Equus provides services utilising Federal funding streams such as Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) which between them support many workforce development programs as well as Job Corps.


Agilec® is a Canadian employment services and vocational rehabilitation provider.

They also provide employment services in Ontario and career transition services for Veterans Affairs Canada.

Agilec's® professional services, personal coaching, and customised tactical plans offer a fast, sustainable approach that helps participants adapt to change, move forward, and succeed.