Anglicare and MCI Solutions

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Partners in leadership development

Organisations with a leading edge are those taking up the opportunities that innovation presents.

Especially when it comes to educating, training and upskilling employees.

When Anglicare Australia chose to offer a leadership program for its staff, they turned to MCI Solutions.

Anglicare Australia is a network of organisations linked to Anglican Church.

They are one of Australia’s largest charitable networks, working in every community across the country.

Anglicare were looking to grow leadership skills and boost professional progression in their business.

Michael, a Talent Acquisition professional from Anglicare describes the process they went through to select a training provider for this investment in their employees.

Developing stronger leaders with MCI solutions

“We didn’t want just a provider who was going to come and deliver” he said.

“We wanted someone who wanted to partner with us to design the outcomes that we needed, to deliver skills into that leadership space.”

They had seen MCI grow over time and wanted to build a partnership with waves of benefits for the community.

At the time of publishing, Anglicare has had over 250 complete the program, another 84 people in current cohorts – with at least six more cohorts planned for next year.

Anglicare have seen fantastic growth with their participants, hearing their stories at graduation “not only about what they learned through that last 12 months, but actually what they put into practice” Michael said.

“I’ve got people queueing up to get into the cohorts we’re delivering next year” he added.

When reflecting on the benefits of this investment in their employees, Michael shared his advice for any businesses looking to take this step.

“Don’t be afraid to take a risk.”