Jim and WCG

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Return after rehabilitation

A traumatic brain injury changed Jim’s life.

After nearly a year of medical rehabilitation, he wished to return to work.

For the former business executive, it was not possible for him to immediately return to a high-level role.

According to Jim, when he reached out to WorkBCand the WCG team he was scared and had no confidence.

His return to work would look and feel very different, but he was in the right place.

Ready to re-start

“I didn’t really know how to get back into society and get work” Jim recalled.

At the time, Jim’s cognitive skills, he was only able to go into entry level positions in retail.

He describes WorkBC’s support during this difficult time.

“They were very supportive, caring – it just took some time for me to accept this is the news situation of my life”

“Subrath and the team really helped me” he added.

Not only did they help him find work, they provided assistance for Jim to commute to work, log into the retail computer system and helping him understand all the policies and procedures for employees.

“He was never willing to give up” Subrath said.

“What a journey we have had.”

Since that time Jim has started a small business, going back to what he did before his injury.

Jim reflects fondly on his journey.

“I couldn’t have done this without WorkBC.”