The Garvan Institute and APM WorkCare

The Garvan Institute of Medical Research know the value of bringing together experienced professionals to achieve the best solution possible.

When it comes to supporting their employees, there is no exception.

The Garvan Institute brings together clinicians with world-leading researchers.

Through their patient-focused approach, they break down barriers between traditional scientific disciplines to find solutions to disease.

When it comes to better outcomes for Garvan employees following a workplace injury, they approached APM WorkCare for their solution.

APM WorkCare delivers workplace health, rehabilitation, injury, and wellness services across industries in all Australian states and territories.

Having confidence in their professional partner to provide tailored advice for Garvan and its employees was key for Health and Safety Culture Manager Bridie.

After working with Ben from APM WorkCare, it’s clear a solid, productive partnership has been forged.

“(Ben) really took the time to get to know our business, which means that when we go to him, he’s really partnering us with the right people to provide the right outcomes for our people” Bridie said.

Delivering the best outcomes for their people

Ben works as a Branch Manager and Rehabilitation Counsellor for APM WorkCare, working with Bridie and her team to support injured employees back to the workplace.

By getting involved early in the injury recovery process, he directly collaborates and advises Garvan’s managers on how to get people with an injury, illness, or disability back to work in a safe and efficient way.

“The importance of the relationships like the one we have with Garvan means we’ve consistently become involved across their different work sites, meaning we’re familiar with their policies, barriers and internal stakeholders” Ben said.

This level of familiarity with their business allows injury claims to be processed quicker, further streamlining return to work procedures, and lowering the cost to the business.

This specialised support has made a complex, seemingly unapproachable process straightforward, personalised, and underscored by trust.

“We love that they got to know our business, and they don’t provide generic advice” Bridie said.

“They really provide trusted advice and meaningful advice, and really work with us.”

Bridie knows Garvan’s employees have someone there to help guide them through the return-to-work process.

“The partnership with APM really puts our people at the heart of that process.”