Finding the right role with Footprints

  • After 12 years, Bianca was ready to return to work, supported by APM Employment Services
  • Today Bianca supports and empowers her clients at Footprints

Bianca’s story is one of great personal success

Her Employment Consultant Madison will agree.

Bianca is a proud Nyoongar woman, who approached APM for help re-entering the workforce.

After being a stay-at-home parent for 12 years and having limited work experience, Bianca was unsure what kind of work she could do.

Bianca connected with APM through Workforce Australia (formerly known as the jobactive program) via APM Employment Services.

Madison was able to support Bianca by talking to her about all her transferable skills.

They worked together and everything Bianca had done previously were skills she could use in the workforce.

After providing a stable environment for her child for the last 12 years, she was ready to return to work.

And APM, along with Footprints Employment and Training, were ready to support her.

“Bianca was initially referred to us for a cleaning role” General Manager at Footprints Neva Macpherson said.

“We loved her ability to engage with people from all walks of life so much that we hired her instead.”

Today, Bianca is now studying a Certificate IV in Indigenous Mentoring and Leadership.

As a mentor, she supports her clients in the classroom and ensures everyone feels supported and empowered to succeed.

Thoroughly excited about her studies and her role, Bianca said “Footprints whole-heartedly care and go above and beyond.”

Bianca’s natural ability to support, empathise with others and show genuine compassion will make her a fantastic mentor.

She is looking forward to finishing her studies and begin working in her community - Congratulations Bianca!

What is Workforce Australia?

Workforce Australia replaces the national jobactive program and is open to anyone who is unemployed and claiming income support payments.

There are several support programs delivered by Workforce Australia providers in regions across the country.

If you can self-manage your job search, a new website has been launched to assist you in finding employment and reporting your mutual obligations.

If you require more support, or want in-person assistance, you can ask to join a Workforce Australia provider such as APM Employment Services.

This enhanced support is called Workforce Australia Services and includes one on one assistance with a dedicated employment consultant.

They will meet with you regularly and help you get job-ready, access relevant skills training and help you meet potential employers looking to hire local people.

APM and Workforce Australia

Workforce Australia may be new - but we’ve been helping people find and stay in work for more than 25 years.

APM Employment Services is one of the largest Workforce Australia providers selected by the Australian Government to help more unemployed people back into work.

We have a strong track record of helping people get where they want to be – not just by helping job seekers get hired, but by supporting them into lasting and long-term employment.

You'll be supported by an experienced team with connections to local and national employers from more than 500 locations across Australia.

With APM you get the support, you get the skills, you get the job.

If you have any questions about Workforce Australia Services, call our support team on 1800 276 932 (1800 APM WFA) or speak to your APM Employment Consultant.


Read a full transcript of this video.

Looking for staff?

We don’t just support job seekers, we also help thousands of employers find reliable staff and access government incentives when hiring new employees.

If you’re an employer, you could access wage subsidies, plus funds for training and workplace modifications when hiring a person with disability for full or part-time work.

Plus, you will be enhancing the diversity of your business while making a real positive difference in a person’s life.

Find out more about this rewarding opportunity for employers by speaking to your nearest APM Employment Services team, or emailing