More than 1,000 people have accessed support through APM Group’s Ukrainian Refugee Program in Germany.
Ingeus Germany – part of APM Group – started delivering a new program in May to help refugees fleeing the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Since then, the Ingeus team has supported more than 1,000 people who arrived in Berlin after crossing Germany’s border with Poland seeking refuge from the violence.
The free service is aimed at helping people integrate in Germany as easily as possible with access to language, childcare and schools, and health services.
“The people that come here are disorientated and lost and feel unstable,” says Daria, a job coach with Ingeus Germany who is part of the integration service.
The support includes advising refugees on their rights, what they have to do and what they cannot do to stay in the country.
The team works mainly with young women and children as most men stayed in the Ukraine.
And most of the women who arrive are caring for more than one child, including the children from neighbours or acquaintances whose parents were unable to make the journey to Germany.
One of the big challenges for the Ingeus Germany team is overcoming the language barrier as most refugees don’t speak German or English.
To help the team put together a welcome package to answer questions and get them started with access to language services, childcare and schools, and health services as quickly as possible.
They also provide help in finding suitable employment.
“Besides the crisis and pain, they are not giving up,” says Daria.
“[I mostly hear them say] ‘I want to work; I don’t want to just sit around’.”
APM Group CEO Michael Anghie said the desire to help people fleeing Ukraine was felt across the entire organisation.
“As we watched the international tragedy unfolding in Ukraine, we thought about what APM could do to support the Ukrainian people and make a lasting positive impact,” he said.
“We have committed to offer free resettlement and local integration support services to Ukrainian refugee families arriving in Berlin across the Polish border through our team at Ingeus Germany who have deep expertise in supporting the refugee community in Germany.”
“We began delivering services on 1 May 2022 and have already supported 1,000 people.”
Please take a moment to watch this video to learn more about this important project.
Find out more about the service at Ingeus Germany.