Communicorp's partnership with NRMA transcript
Speaker 1: The NRMA is a really diverse organization. We have a number of different businesses, so that also means that the people that work with us and the environments they work in are very varied. So finding a way to support people in an operational space as well as in a contact center or call center or corporately, we found that appeared to peer support program was really valuable and of real benefit.
Speaker 2: So I've worked really closely with Nicola Hogan, who is one of the psychologists at Communicorp to help develop the framework for the program, and I have to say it's been really seamless. Communicorp's really sought to understand our culture and our people and what we want to achieve, so having an organization to work with that understands and appreciates that and has been really respectful of that has been fantastic.
Speaker 3: Communicorp's peer support program involves the training of select staff within an organization to provide that extra layer of support for their team members. So the way the program works is people within an organization, it can be anybody, will elect to be part of that program. They go through a selection process, then they go through the training itself. They don't just get sent out after that. Then they go through a coaching program just to make sure that they're both supported and that the skills that they're using will be supportive to others too.
Speaker 2: It's been wonderful to see employees start to feel comfortable about having conversations around mental health, about reaching out for support when they need it, and I think particularly on our internal comms channels, it's become really evident that people are more comfortable sharing their personal experiences and I think being really open and creating a really psychologically safe environment for our employees, particularly through COVID, which has been really critical.
Speaker 4: I found the training not only informative but fun, and you learn skills that will not only assist people, but help guide them along the way. The benefits I've seen of having peer support in the workplace is that there's been a more open dialogue when it comes to mental health. I think prior to us having the peer support training, people may have been hesitant to speak about their mental health or that they're struggling, whereas now, they're aware that there are people that can assist them and guide them to where they need to be.
Speaker 5: I found the training was really great. I didn't realize how in depth mental health was until I did the training. It's great that there's an avenue for people that are struggling to reach out to someone. I've used these skills in the way that I basically just listen. Don't go in there thinking that I can fix everything, and it's quite hard as a mechanic. My job is to fix things
Speaker 4: To others considering this program, I'd say that it's not only beneficial, but you'll be given tools to assist with mental health that you can use for the rest of your life.
Speaker 2: The value I see in the program is that it helps us to retain great talent, it makes it a great place to work. I think too, it also attracts great talent. I think who wouldn't want to work in an organization that really values supporting our people and their mental health and wellbeing? The program helps to actively ups-kill people in this area. It's something that is not only applicable at work but in their personal lives, and it's a skill that they can take with them wherever they go.