Ingeus UK - Jakub's NCS Story transcript

Tamsaine Weir: NCS is a program for 15 to 17 year old young people to help them get involved in their local communities, learn skills for life and make new friends. I think every young person could benefit from coming along on NCS. We have lots to offer in terms of skills workshops, different kinds of activities. They get to try new things they haven't tried before.

Jakub Wilczewsk: So, beforehand, I thought of me being the central person, I need to be able to do everything, I need to be able to be in every single aspect of the team. But through social action projects, I realised that some people are much better than me in specific areas. And that's really helped me be a more overall team player. We had to do a couple of public speaking modules where we had to kind of voice our opinions and I really enjoyed that because that made me realise that I really like public speaking.

I would recommend the program to anyone in my age because I feel like a lot of people nowadays just staying at home, just playing on their consoles, doing anti-social kind of stuff. And NCS really brings you into the social circle. I feel now more confident talking to new people.

Now, instead of saying, "What should I say to this person?" Just kind of in my mind. And I just walk up to them and strike a conversation. It's really made more confident and a more social person.

Tamsaine Weir: If you're a young person wanting to take part in NCS, or if you're a person wanting to work on NCS, you just need to go to our website at, we are NCS, and fill out the online form.