Rockhampton team share insights with aspiring local leaders

Published on 11 Apr 2018


Michael Stevens and Zoey Hunt from APM, Ed Husic Opposition Minister, Russell Robertson

APM’s Rockhampton team have taken time out from their busy schedule to welcome Federal Opposition Employment Services spokesman Ed Husic who paid a quick whistle-stop visit today.

Mr Husic was out and about visiting the area to gain a better idea of local issues and challenges.

Disability Employment Services business manager Michael Stevens was on hand to brief him about the local job market and other regional issues.

APM is always pleased to host Government and Opposition members to showcase the work we do and provide local insight into finding people sustainable employment.

This in turn can help contribute to potential policy reform.

APM Rockhampton specialise in Disability Employment Services programs to help people with an injury, illness or disability find a job.

Our teams also help employers find staff when they need to fill vacancies fast.

APM is proud to be Australia’s largest provider of Disability Employment Services, with some of the strongest job placement rates in the country, helping more people into employment than anyone else.