APM Communities are co-hosting a free Quiz Night event on 10 of December, from 4-7pm at the Ken Jackman Hall in Kwinana together with Kwinana All Abilities Network (We KAAN), People With Disability WA (PWDWA), and the City of Kwinana.
This fully accessible event with social inclusion is a great opportunity for people to get out and engage with their local community, have fun, and even win some goodies.
Hosted by a professional quizmaster, there will be free door raffle, heaps of prizes for the winning tables as well as great food and snacks on offer.
The Quiz Night will have an Auslan interpreter, a quiet space for attendees to utilise when needed as well as wheelchair access for the event.
Local Area Coordinator from APM Communities Success office Isabella Tanti said "this event was a wonderful way to welcome and include people with disability to a free community event and that the organisers were hoping to attract many people as possible to enjoy a fun night out."
APM Communities have experienced success with their community disco events this year in Mandurah to build confidence in people with disability to be able to go out in safe, inclusive environment and enjoy a dance and a good time together at a disco.
To register for this event or to find out more please contact Isabella on Isabella.tanti@apm.net.au or 0482 838 637.
As part of the NDIS Partners in the Community program, APM Communities help people with disability in several regions in Western Australia, Queensland and the Northern Territory to access support.
Our Local Area Coordinators (LACs) help people with disability, National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants, families and carers to identify and access the support they need.