Leading on from the success from the past two years, a Sensory Space will again feature at the 2023 Perth Royal Show to cater for people living with disabilities who want to attend and enjoy the family friendly annual event.
Renamed Sensory Space from Chill Out Zone previously, this dedicated area is now in a permanent fixed location near AgVenture Hill near Gate 10.
Supported by Lottery West; the Sensory Space is a joint initiative between the Royal Agricultural Society of WA (RASWA) who run the Perth Royal Show, and NDIS partners APM Communities, Wanslea & Mission Australia.
The Sensory Space allows people living with a disability, their families and carers, a chance to engage get some well needed respite and down time during a very large event that can often be overwhelming.
These Space will be open from 10am – 6pm each day of the show and offer dedicated low sensory area, to allow people who may be overwhelmed by the lights and sounds, a chilled space, to refresh and explore quiet activities or time out alone.
Patrons utilising the Sensory Space are required to have an adult carer accompanying them at all times.
To further support parents, families, people with disability, sensory processing disorders and autism, RASWA have arranged a quiet time during the event from 10am to 11am on Tuesday September 26 2023.
Between this time music and funfair ride sound effects will be switched off and public announcements will be limited.
To make the most of the initiative, RASWA has donated complimentary tickets to APM Communities, Mission Australia & Wanslea, to offer to their own participants and carers entry as well as animal nursery experiences.
Other disability friendly initiatives include the development of dedicated sensory map which has a sensory key to let show goers know where there will be areas such as strong smells, dimmed lighting and limited lighting, and a Social Story that allows patrons to pre-plan their journey as required.
View the map on the RASWA website or find all Accessibility information during the event here Show Info | Perth Royal Show.
General Manager of APM Communities Michael Dunphy said the public’s use of the dedicated zone during the event was positive in previous years and we are all excited to be able to offer this much needed service again this year in a permanent location near Gate 10.
“It is also a fantastic initiative by RASWA to provide complimentary tickets to our participants and their carers as not only can these people attend this year, they also have a dedicated space to come to should they need it, making the Perth Royal Show an enjoyable and fun experience for everyone.”
Sensory Space
- 10 am – 6pm each day of the Perth Royal Show
- Located near Agventure Hill at Gate 10