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Building his own potential
Before job seeker Brian connected with WorkBC through WCG, he was feeling limited his disability.
“Work BC helped me find a really good job” Brian said.
Brian wanted to do more with his life but wasn’t sure which path to take or how to get the right support, according to his employment consultant Lesley.
Lesley helped Brian lay out some options for him to consider and got his started towards achieving his employment goals.
“I gained a bunch of life skills and new certificates that I didn’t even think I could even get” Brian said.
The results have been incredible for Brian at his new workplace.
Discovering his own potential
“My favourite part is helping a client notice their potential” Lesley said.
The programs Lesley connected Brian with gave him a new-found confidence.
“I realised that I can do a lot more than I thought I could” Brian said.
Brian secured a role at a local home and garden business, Rona, in Chilliwack.
“He’s been great” his employer Kris said.
“Our staff love him, the customers love him and he’s really excelled and he’s definitely a big asset to our team.”
This confidence has meant Brian is considering opportunities for himself which he hadn’t before: University.
“My experience with WorkBC has been life changing” Brian said.
“Being here is better than anything else that could have happened.”