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Moving forward
Rehabilitation for ex-offenders is multi-faceted.
Through the CF03 programme delivered by Ingeus UK, participants can access CF0 activity hubs, designed to increase effective engagement with mainstream or core services.
The CFO Activity Hubs provide safe, supportive and welcoming spaces for offenders to access tailored support, advice and guidance, and interact with positive roles models and peers at a similar stage of their resettlement journey.
Offenders will be able to access support for accommodation, health, finance and debt, education, employment, and training.
Dean, a facilitator for the activity hubs for Ingeus, explains the approach of this new programme.
“The first part is developing (the person) holistically so that could be things from building confidence and self-esteem” he said.
“Then the other part is practical skills, such as accommodation advice, or life skills, or debt advice, something which is on a skill-based level.”
A benefit for everyone
The main goal of the hubs is to provide offender who are on licence or out on parole a safe space to engage socially and engage with support workers.
The hubs offer a range of support services.
“It ranges from activities which are fun, to building social skills, to having that support, basically having someone else there” activity hub support worker for Ingeus Graham said.
“We have a lot of people come in here, and they really have benefitted from a lot of the things we offer”
The hubs have dedicated staff like Graham and Dean, who are ready and willing to help.
Participants can come to the hubs to socially interact over a game of pool, or get help to find accommodation, even fill out paperwork.
“Even though they might not think it at the start, we’ve never had any candidates who have taken away nothing” Dean said.
“It’s about developing the person and moving them forwards from where they started.”