APM ParentsNext Polly's story transcript

Polly: My name is Polly. I'm 29 years old. I have four kids, two girls, two boys. I just completed my hospitality set three course at Strategics Training Group and now I am going to do my work placement at Cazaly's. My goal was to get a job in hospitality industry and I tried to get myself into a hospitality course and it didn't work out because I tried on my own. But ParentsNext opened the door for me and laid out a whole opportunity for me. APM supported me during my course. They were there a hundred percent on my side.

Carol: Hello, I'm Carol from Strategics. I'm actually the business development officer. Strategics has a different point of difference. As an RTO, we are very focused in pathways into employment, so working with ParentsNext with APM, we actually have been working with Polly and Polly's, one of our students in our hospitality course. And we've actually, our point and difference too is we sit down and we interview our students. We find out what their passions, their desires are, so then it's my role to go out to our local businesses and find those perfect placements for them so we get a proper outcome for our students for employment outcomes.

Polly's been actually a lovely student here with us. She's been always interactive in class, supportive to other students. She's actually always the first one to put a hand up to help, willing to go into any placement that we put forward. But she jumped at the opportunity at Cazaly's because it actually had the gaming, not of all of our host employers actually have gaming available and she really was interested in the bar and the gaming side, so it was a great opportunity for her.

Jason: My name's Jason Wale, I'm the group general manager of Cazaly's. We run four these clubs and we provide facilities for the promotion of APL in Cairns. We are delighted to partner with APM and Strategics to provide a pathway to people that want to make change in their life and promote themselves and get themselves gainfully employed. We began a conversation with Strategics. We jumped at the opportunity. From that we've started the process with Polly and having met her, she seems a lovely lady.

Polly: I'm very excited to work and get started into this work placement, gaining more experience, get on board with ParentsNext, they're the best. Just didn't know that there was opportunities out there where you can go out there and get it, but I just didn't know how to, until I met ParentsNext.