Five reasons employers hire people with disability

Alexander turns and smiles from inside the driver's seat of his work car

Hiring people with disability brings numerous benefits to businesses and fosters a more inclusive and diverse workplace.

Alexander, who found meaningful employment with the help of APM Employment Services, highlights the value of Disability Employment Services (DES) for both job seekers with disability, and employers.

You can watch Alexander talk about his experience with APM and his new employer at Alexander's story.

Meanwhile, here are five key insights for employers considering hiring through a DES provider such as APM:

1. Enhanced employee loyalty and retention

Employees with disability often demonstrate higher levels of loyalty and commitment to their employers. Alexander's journey shows this.

After struggling to find suitable work, he connected with APM and received tailored support, eventually securing a position that matched his skills and aspirations.

The result? A dedicated and motivated employee who values the opportunity given to him.

2. Access to a broader talent pool

Utilising a DES provider like APM opens up a wider range of candidates who might otherwise be overlooked.

DES providers specialise in matching the right person to the right job, considering both the employer’s needs and the job seeker’s capabilities.

This ensures that employers can access a diverse talent pool, rich in unique skills and perspectives.

3. Improved workplace culture and diversity

Hiring people with disability can significantly enhance workplace culture. It fosters an environment of empathy, understanding, and inclusivity.

Alexander’s integration into his workplace not only benefited him but also positively impacted his colleagues.

Diverse teams are known to be more innovative and better at problem-solving, which can lead to improved business outcomes.

APM Employment Consultant meets with participant as part of ongoing support in the workplace

4. Financial incentives and support

There are various financial incentives and support mechanisms available to employers who hire people with disability.

APM assists employers in navigating these options, which can include wage subsidies, funding for workplace modifications, and ongoing support to ensure successful placement.

These resources help reduce the financial risk and encourage businesses to embrace inclusive hiring practices.

5. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Hiring through a DES provider aligns with corporate social responsibility goals.

It demonstrates a company’s commitment to social inclusion and equality. This can enhance the company’s reputation, making it more attractive to customers, clients, and potential employees who value diversity and inclusivity.

Alexander's success story is a clear example of how supporting people with disability can reflect positively on a company's brand and societal impact.

Alexander’s journey with APM

Alexander’s experience underscores the importance of personalised support in the job search process.

Despite his qualifications, finding a job that accommodated his disability was challenging.

Through APM, Alexander received comprehensive assistance, from refining his job search to receiving workplace adjustments, which ultimately led to a fulfilling career.

His story highlights the crucial role DES providers play in bridging the gap between job seekers with disability and employers.

Valuable to business and society

Employers who engage with Disability Employment Services like APM not only gain valuable employees but also contribute to a more inclusive society.

The benefits are multifaceted, including enhanced employee loyalty, access to a broader talent pool, improved workplace culture, financial incentives, and alignment with CSR goals.

Alexander’s story is a powerful reminder of the positive outcomes that arise when businesses embrace diversity and inclusivity.

For more information on how APM can assist your business in hiring people with disability, visit Employers.