The benefits of early intervention employers need to know

Lauren Cooley, APM WorkCare Regional Manager WA/NT/SA/QLD

When it comes to occupational rehabilitation, early intervention is an essential strategy to support your workers returning to work from injuries or illness.

It’s better for them and it’s better for your organisation with more effective management of workplace injuries, reduced costs, and a healthier, happier and more productive workforce.

What is early intervention, and why is it important?

The key to early intervention is that the sooner an injury or illness is addressed, the better the outcomes are for the person and your organisation.

It’s about quickly taking proactive steps as soon as an injury or illness is reported to provide immediate support and treatment to the person.

We know that early intervention can significantly cut down the severity and duration of an injury, leading to faster recovery times and better overall employee wellbeing.

By acting quickly, you can stop minor issues from becoming major problems, which reduces disruptions to your workplace and keeps long-term costs down.

Can early intervention be used for both physical and psychological injuries?

Early intervention isn’t just for physical injuries.

It’s just as effective for psychological injuries.

Stress, anxiety, and depression are a real part of all workplaces and are as serious as physical injuries or illnesses.

Early intervention can play an essential role in addressing these issues.

In essence, early intervention is about acting quickly to support your employees, regardless of the nature of their injury or illness, to promote quicker recovery and return to work.

Four main benefits of early intervention

For any sized business in any industry there are several key benefits to taking advantage of early intervention services.

1. Better recovery outcomes

Early intervention leads to better recovery outcomes for your employees. When you offer immediate medical and mental health support, your employees can recover more quickly and return to their usual work activities.

Studies show that early intervention can cut down the time employees spend away from work, which is good for them and good for business.

Faster access to support and treatment can also prevent complications, make the recovery and rehabilitation smoother and shorter, and help prevent the development of mental health issues when someone is struggling to deal with the injury or not working.

2. Cost savings

One of the significant benefits of early intervention is reducing costs and lost productivity.

Addressing injuries or illnesses early on can avoid the need for more extensive and expensive treatments later.

According to a report by Monash University, early intervention in the workers' compensation process can lead to significant savings for employers by reducing the duration of claims and associated costs.

Early intervention can also decrease the indirect costs related to lost productivity, temporary replacements, and training new employees.

3. Boosting employee wellbeing and morale

Implementing early intervention programs shows your employees that you are committed and care about their health, safety and wellbeing, which in turn can boost their morale and job satisfaction.

When employees feel supported and valued, they’re more likely to be engaged and more productive.

Australia’s Parliamentary Workplace Support Service highlights that early intervention can foster a positive workplace culture where employees feel safe to report injuries and seek help.

This more supportive environment can lead to higher employee retention and a more resilient workforce.

4. Less disruption to your business

Early intervention helps keep your business running smoothly.

When you address an issue quickly and provide support and treatment, you can ensure your employees get back to good health and return to their roles sooner, maintaining continuity and productivity.

WorkSafe Queensland notes that early intervention can lead to faster return to work outcomes, which reduces the impact on business operations and maintains workflow efficiency.

Taking a proactive approach allows you to manage your workforce’s capabilities effectively and maintain high levels of service and production.

For Australian employers, early intervention in occupational rehabilitation is a smart strategy with many benefits.

When you prioritise early intervention, you’ll be creating a healthier and more supportive work environment that benefits everyone.

Taking these steps not only addresses immediate issues but also fosters a culture of proactive health and safety management, building more long-term success.

If you’d like to learn more about how APM WorkCare can help you implement early intervention strategies, please contact us on 1800 276 276 or


About Lauren Cooley

Lauren Cooley is the Regional Manager for APM WorkCare, overseeing teams across WA, NT, SA, and QLD. She benefits from a strong team of Branch and Team Managers who provide high-level support to consultants in these regions.

Lauren began her career as an occupational therapist, but after undertaking practical experience with Anglo Gold, where she developed injury prevention programs, her passion for occupational rehab was sparked, and she has integrated her OT skills into the field ever since.

Lauren has experience managing teams remotely, particularly during her two-year tenure in regional WA. Encouraged by a mentor, she pursued an MBA and is nearing the completion of her Capstone Project.

Lauren loves collaborating with her team, sharing ideas with fellow Regional Managers, and solving problems for customers. The dynamic nature of occupational rehabilitation keeps her engaged and motivated.