Driving assessments

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How safe are your drivers?

Keep your team on the road to better health and safety with driving assessments.

Ensuring the safety of your team members who use vehicles for work is essential.

APM WorkCare’s driving assessments ensure your workers are aware of the health and safety risks behind the wheel. 

These include some of the lesser known health dangers to workers behind the wheel, and safety risks to other road users and pedestrians.

Our assessments help you improve health and safety of drivers, address concerns about a worker’s fitness to drive and manage complex needs of a dynamic workforce, plus they can: 

  • Reduce risk of accidents
  • Minimise development of musculoskeletal injuries
  • Assist drivers who have a functional impairment
  • Support injured workers to return to driving duties
  • Provide ergonomic advice to maintain health and wellbeing

APM WorkCare driving assessments are available across Australia. Our team is also one of the few providers in Queensland who can assist with assessments of cars, trucks, forklifts and other heavy equipment.

As a panel provider for insurers including Workcover Queensland, TAC or NSW Workers Compensation, we act immediately to get your worker driving again while staying safe on the road.

Driving assessments that work for you and your workforce

Occupational therapy driving assessment

Can help you support your workforce when:

  • A worker’s suitability and safety for driving as their primary role is in doubt, including their functional capacity or any health condition
  • A worker’s health condition is aggravated by driving or impacting their ability to drive
  • A worker requests a return to driving duties following an injury or health condition

Vehicle ergonomic assessment

Provides your workers with an individual assessment to review the ergonomic set up of a vehicle in relation to their physical requirements.

Driver rehabilitation service

Support your workforce with a comprehensive mix of assessments which include:

  • Off-road clinical examination and specific driver testing
  • On-road examination (in car, heavy vehicle or plant as per requirement)
  • Ergonomic assessment of proposed vehicle, and modification or adaptation where necessary
  • Driver retraining focusing on driving behaviours, compensatory techniques and safety
  • Driver fatigue management programs
  • Post-accident injury management and return to driving assistance, including counselling and PTSD support

Want to speak to us?

Contact APM WorkCare today to find out more about how we can help you maintain the safety and wellbeing of your workforce on and off the road.

Private patients and senior drivers

Many health or medical conditions can affect a person’s ability to drive safely.

If you’ve recovered from an injury or illness, or you’re an older driver, an assessment by APM WorkCare can help you maintain safety and, if required, obtain a driver’s licence.

Our occupational therapists have additional qualifications in driving assessment and rehabilitation which allows them to support you in returning and staying on the road.

The assessment includes:

  • Interviews with you and your family
  • Visual, cognitive and muscle function tests
  • Medical history and medications review
  • General driving knowledge questions
  • A performance-based road test with a driving instructor

Your assessment will use professional standards determined by Occupational Therapy Australia and the National Transport Council of Australia.

Each evaluation ends with a conference which can include your family. Our occupational therapist then delivers a final recommendation regarding your driving ability, safety and any modifications you might benefit from when behind the wheel.

The assessment takes approximately 2.5 hours, which may be spread over multiple days if necessary.

A report will be sent to your doctor, who will adjust your transport medical certificate if required.