
jobactive has now ended
– but we’re still here for you

Head to our Workforce Australia page for everything you need to
know about the new services to help you find lasting employment.

jobactive is funded by the Australian Government to help people find real and sustainable jobs

If you're a job seeker registered with our jobactive service, you can get the skills and knowledge to:

  • Write a resume
  • Look for work
  • Prepare for interviews
  • Meet the needs of local employers
  • Find and keep a job

If you receive income support payments, such as Newstart Allowance, Youth Allowance or Parenting Payment, you can apply to join APM's jobactive service.

The level of support you receive in the service depends on your circumstances. Our teams are dedicated to getting you into work as soon as possible, whatever your circumstances may be.

If you’re unemployed and not receiving support payments or studying, you may still be able to access jobactive.

Let us work with you to find the employment solution that gets you moving towards your life goals.

Please note: On July 1, 2022, jobactive changed to Workforce Australia.

Learn more about APM's services for job seekers

two people discussing

Searching for work?

We work with local employers across Australia who are looking for staff just like you. We know what employers are looking for and we can help prepare you for your new job.

APM and Centrelink

APM works with Centrelink and the Australian government to help connect you with social services, financial support, and assistance to find a job.

two people discussing at APM

Register with APM

Take the first step to finding your next job and register with APM. We'll work with you to find the right employment solution so you can achieve your goals.

How we help find the job you need

If you’re employed with a disability, a workplace assessment can help identify what you need to make your job easier

APM is a member of the National Panel of Assessors and we deliver an independent workplace assessment to find out if you or your employer needs some help.

Depending on your needs, this may include ongoing support to help carry out your job tasks, or new tools, equipment or technology to help you work.

Once you have found a job through a Disability Employment Services provider, there are three types of support programs you may be assessed for:

  1. Ongoing support – such as one one one assistance to learn new tasks
  2. Supported wage system – making sure suitable pay structures are in place for you and your role
  3. Workplace modifications – identifying whether you need specific modifications, tools or equipment to do your job

These assessments can only be done by an organisation that did not help you find your job through a Disability Employment Service program.

If you are a participant in APM’s Disability Employment Services, another registered provider will assess you at work.

If you found employment with another Disability Employment Services provider, you may be referred to APM for the workplace assessment.

If you have any questions about your workplace assessment, please call us on 1800 276 276.

man working with electronics

I've just lost my job, what should I do next?

APM can help you quickly reconnect to employment opportunities and get back to work.

Your APM employment consultant will assess your circumstances in detail.

If you want to work, we’re committed to helping you re-enter the workforce as soon as possible.

We will help you search and apply for a new job and provide you information about the latest positions near you.

We’ll give you the information you need about opportunities in your area and how best to apply for them.

If your job search is impacted by an injury, illness or disability, you could be eligible for more specialised support from our Disability Employment Services team.

Your employment consultant will speak to you about other services that can support you in finding in you a meaningful job.

Want to get back to work? We’re here to help.