How Employable Me works transcript

Speaker 1: We know that having a good job can be life-changing, that's why we've created Employable Me. Employable Me connects thousands of APM job seekers and local employers together and is backed by our extensive experience and expertise in employment services. As a job seeker, Employable Me compliments the support you receive from your local specialist employment consultant who's always there to make sure you're on track with your employment journey.

Speaker 1: In Employable Me, you can create an online profile to let employers know about you, your experience and the types of roles you're interested in. You can also search for vacancies and apply for jobs within our platform. Our Learn and Grow resources empower you to confidently apply for jobs, prepare for an interview, get ready for your first day at work and they give you invaluable tips about developing your skills.

Speaker 1: You can apply for jobs and access all our tools and resources anywhere, anytime on a desktop or mobile device. As an employer, you can create an online profile and let job seekers know about your company and upload jobs. Using our candidate match features, you can search for job seekers and request to connect with them.

Speaker 1: You have complete control over how you receive applications and who you interact with. The level of support you receive is catered to your needs by our dedicated team. What's more? Each application is overseen by an employment consultant to avoid unsuitable matches, saving you time to focus on the right candidates.

Speaker 1: There's also an extensive library of tools and resources just for employers. You can access this all in your own time and at no cost to you. Whether you are a job seeker or an employer, Employable Me will make finding a job and hiring employees a simple and easy process. If you're not currently connected with APM, contact us to access Employable Me today.