Post placement support

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We make your transition into your new role as smooth as possible and help you deal with any problems that might arise early on

Our committed employment consultants spend time helping you settle into your new workplace and assist with any on-the-job training where required.

We'll work with you to develop a support plan which is tailored to your circumstances and the needs of your employer.

We'll support you for the first six months of employment in a manner that best suits you.

Should you require further support beyond the first six months of work, we’ll discuss the available options with you.

Our service is funded by the Australian Government to help you achieve your employment goals.

We aim to help you reach a good level of independence and enjoy a successful, productive life at work, at no cost to you or your employer.

APM employee and man smiling

When you need ongoing support to stay at work 

woman questioning a man while both smiling

If you’re employed with a disability, a workplace assessment can help identify what you need to make your job easier

APM is a member of the National Panel of Assessors and we deliver an independent workplace assessment to find out if you or your employer needs some help.

Depending on your needs, this may include ongoing support to help carry out your job tasks, or new tools, equipment or technology to help you work.

Once you have found a job through a Disability Employment Services provider, there are three types of support programs you may be assessed for:

  1. Ongoing support – such as one one one assistance to learn new tasks
  2. Supported wage system – making sure suitable pay structures are in place for you and your role
  3. Workplace modifications – identifying whether you need specific modifications, tools or equipment to do your job

These assessments can only be done by an organisation that did not help you find your job through a Disability Employment Service program.

If you are a participant in APM’s Disability Employment Services, another registered provider will assess you at work.

If you found employment with another Disability Employment Services provider, you may be referred to APM for the workplace assessment.

If you have any questions about your workplace assessment, please call us on 1800 276 276.

Secure a job and change your life for the better

Having a job is about more than just money. Employment has huge benefits for your health and wellbeing.

The benefits of regular, secure employment to your health are significant.

We see thousands of job seekers with disabilities transform their lives every year by being part of a team, interacting with customers and bringing their own personal qualities to a local business.

When you find the right job, you become a valuable member of your employer's workforce and their customer's community.

Whether you’re at school, unemployed or worried about keeping your current job, our dedicated teams may help you with:

  • Searching for a job that’s right for you and finding your career path
  • Leveraging your strengths, skills and interests
  • Managing health issues that may make it difficult for you to find work
  • Tools and guidance to help with your resume and job interviews
  • Building your work skills with training or job placements

We work with you to identify your strengths and start you on the path to a better life.