Ingeus Singapore - Razmy transcript
Razmy: My name is Razmy, and my job title in my organization is called technical specialist. Two years before I engaged Ingeus, I was a flight attendant. Yeah, right before I joined Abercrombie and Fitch. And it happens when Ingeus starts stepping in because I cannot actually control the situation. I'm getting emotional and all that. And I got lost. So I thought engaging Ingeus might help me in my job search, actually. So I thought that it might be easy to step into another organization, but yeah, I was so wrong because of the situation I'm in, and I count my sent emails, the number of resume submissions that I sent out is about close to 100 plus.
I was trying to identify what is going on. When I start to get no information about what I did wrong, it starts from my resume, actually. It is outdated. My resume is outdated. That's why I didn't get any response from any organization at all. Initially, when I was called for interview with Volunteer Sweet Spot, it is really a miracle. It's so divine at that point in time. I feel that it is an opportunity that is a very new opportunity for me, and now I feel that it is time for me to show what I got and learn as much as possible.