Best job ideas for people living with bipolar disorder

Best job ideas for people living with bipolar disorder

58% of people living with bipolar disorder quit working outside their homes, according to the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance.

Many people with bipolar disorder experience challenges when looking for work. Despite this, many people successfully find fulfilling work that works for them.

If you are having difficulty finding or keeping a job that works for you, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed or disheartened sometimes.

The good news is there are employers and workplaces out there offering roles which support your long-term mental wellbeing.

At APM, we help job seekers living with disability, including mood disorders and mental health conditions, find meaningful work and thrive in the workplace.

If you need support searching for a job or managing at work, APM is here to help.

Experts say work can be helpful for people living with bipolar disorder. Working in a supportive environment can give you a sense of structure and purpose. Moreover, it can reduce feelings of depression and build your confidence.

Check out our guide to finding jobs for people with bipolar disorder below and get in touch with APM on 1800 276 276 to see how we can help support you on your employment journey.

A person walking on a road with arrows, guiding him to find a suitable job.

What to look for in a job when you have bipolar disorder

People living with bipolar disorder are capable of finding fulfilling work in a range of different job roles and workplaces.

Symptoms, skills and interests vary from person to person. In your job search, focus on finding a job which enhances your unique strengths and helps you manage your mental health.

Consider the following job features:

What workplace environment do you need?

Many people with bipolar disorder find that high levels of stress can induce manic and depressive moods. It can be helpful to find work in low stress work environments with supportive co-workers.

What kind of schedule and structure suits you?

Many people with bipolar work best with a regular, stable routine that helps with mood balance. Experts recommend avoiding any shift work or jobs that disrupt a regular sleep pattern.

Do you need flexibility?

If your bipolar disorder symptoms make it difficult to stick to long working hours or a structured work environment, you might prefer a flexible role. A growing number of jobs can be done from home with a flexible schedule and workload.

Women with bipolar disorder searching for a job with binoculars

What are some good jobs for people with bipolar disorder?

Like you, we know that everyone has their own strengths, interests and skills. Searching for the ideal job is an individual process.

At APM, our employment consultants work closely with people like you to discover work opportunities that are a good fit for them. We believe everyone has the right to experience the benefits of meaningful work and a supportive work environment.

Here are some job ideas to help you start brainstorming. For more individual career advice and assistance, get in touch with APM today.


Technical and copy writers often work from home creating or editing content for businesses, schools and other organisations. If you have a knack with words and want a flexible role, this might be a good fit for you.


Receptionists are responsible for tasks such as answering phone calls, booking appointments and greeting customers. Businesses of all shapes and sizes need receptionists. When you find a supportive work environment, reception work can provide a low stress and stable routine.

Web developer

Web developers use codes to build websites that are functional and easy to use. If you like problem solving and working independently in an evolving industry, web development might be a good fit for you. Developers often work as part of a larger team within a company but many are also freelancers.


Accounting jobs usually involve completing consistent tasks in a calm office environment. If you have a head for numbers, you might enjoy the stability this role can bring.


Audiologists help people who are experiencing hearing problems. They often work in a calm environment with low stress levels. It can be a rewarding role that helps improve the quality of other people’s lives.


If you want a low-stress career in the medical field, you might enjoy being a sonographer. Sonographers perform ultrasound scans for pregnancy, injuries and health assessments. They often write summaries about their findings, maintain records and work with other health professionals to care for patients.


Jewellers design and create jewellery out of a wide range of materials. Sometimes they also do repairs, adjustments and appraisals of jewellery. You’ll need a good eye for detail, excellent hand-eye coordination and a creative flair.

Hair stylist

Hair stylists help others feel and look good. You can work in a salon with steady, regular hours or find flexibility by freelancing. Hair styling is a great career path for those with a creative flair who enjoy meeting new people from all walks of life.

A group of hair stylist professionals discussing why hair styling is a great career path.

Finding and managing work when you have bipolar disorder

Finding a job that works for you can take time. It’s normal to feel disheartened or overwhelmed along the way.

From searching for jobs online to managing interviews and putting your best foot forward in your resume, there’s a lot to think about. When you’re living with bipolar disorder, there may be a number of extra factors to consider and manage.

Sometimes a little help can make all the difference.

If you’re wondering how to find a job with bipolar disorder, APM is here for you. We help people with bipolar disorder and other mental health conditions find and keep a job that works for them.

What employment services does APM offer?

APM is Australia's largest provider Disability Employment Services, a government-funded program which helps people living with injury, illness or disability find and keep work.

We can help you with things like:

  • Career advice
  • Finding suitable job opportunities
  • Meeting local employers
  • Writing resumes and job applications
  • Preparing for job interviews
  • Accessing training
  • Accessing mental health support
  • Ongoing workplace support
  • Accessing funding for things like uniforms and transport
  • Accessing workplace modifications to help you succeed at work
  • Workplace assessments to help identify what support is right for you

Ready to get started?

Call us on 1800 276 276 or register for our Disability Employment Services program today to see if you’re eligible.