Work for the dole

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Work for the Dole can help you learn important skills, show your support of the local community and help make you more employable.

After you have registered with us, you can volunteer at any time to participate in Work for the Dole, if you and your Employment Consultant agree it will benefit you.

If you have been out of work for a certain period of time, you will have to undertake a Work for the Dole activity to satisfy your Mutual Obligation requirements.

Once you start a Work for the Dole activity, you are obliged to attend your activity for a minimum number of hours each week – provided you don’t start paid or part time employment.

What activities are available?

Work for the Dole covers a wide range of activities that can assist you to increase or update your skill levels and that have a benefit to the local community.

Some examples of Work for the Dole activities include:

  • Retail work in not-for-profit stores such as those operated by major charity organisations
  • Providing additional assistance in the administration areas of eligible organisations
  • Gardening or maintenance activities in schools or aged care facilities.

Your Employment Consultant can let you know which Work for the Dole activities are available in your area that will help you to gain the skills and experience to find sustainable work.

Woman with a disability working in a garden centre