Steps to find a free recruitment agency that can actually help you get a job

If you need help getting ready for employment or finding the right job, a free recruitment agency could provide the support you're looking for.

Job seekers in Australia can access a range of government-funded employment services at no cost.

Whether you need a little bit of help or more significant ongoing support, you can access tailored employment support wherever you live in Australia.

In this guide, we explain how to find a free recruitment agency that's right for you.

When do you need a recruitment agency?

There are many reasons why people choose to get help from a recruitment agency. You might have tried for a long time to find a job with no luck.

You might have just graduated school and need a helping hand to kick start your career.

Or you might be ready to transition back into work after time off work because of parenting or health reasons.

You might find a recruitment agency helpful if you:

  • Have been out of work for a long time
  • Are having trouble finding a job
  • Are feeling overwhelmed about the job search process and need professional guidance
  • Are facing barriers to employment such as an injury, illness or disability
  • Feel that you're being overlooked or not given a fair go by employers
  • Need career advice about what jobs and industries are right for you

Businesses can also use free recruitment services to fill a job vacancy or find the right people for their business needs.

How to tell if a free recruitment agency is good for you

Searching for work can be challenging.

When you have support from the right team, it can help you feel more confident and positive about the recruitment process.

The best recruitment agencies will offer:

  • Connections to employers and industry – recruitment agencies usually have strong networks. This means they can connect you with employers in your area and find you job opportunities that aren't advertised on job boards.
  • Professional career advice – employment consultants can help you figure out what kinds of jobs would be the right fit for you. They can also connect you with work experience opportunities for you to try out different types of work.
  • Help with resumes and interviews – a recruitment agency can help you write your resume, fill out job applications and prepare for job interviews. You'll have professional advice to help you feel more confident about putting your best foot forward.
  • Employment skills and training – if you've got gaps in your resume or want to stand out from other candidates, an employment service provider can help you access training to make you more employable.
  • Funding and other services – an employment consultant can help you access additional services you might need. For example, funding to pay for work-related licences or access to mental health services.
  • One-on-one support – an employment consultant will give you personalised support to help you achieve your employment goals. You'll have a person who's ready to celebrate your successes with you and help you overcome the challenges along the way.
  • Ongoing support – recruitment agencies won't just help you find a job, but they'll also help you keep it. You may even be eligible for ongoing support to succeed in your new job.

What type of support do you need?

Different organisations specialise in different types of employment support.

Whether you're a recent high school graduate or over 45 and wanting to change careers, there are recruitment services to help you get the right support.

Some of the specialised government-funded employment services in Australia include:

Disability Employment Services

Disability Employment Services helps people living with injury, illness or disability find and keep a job.

Get tailored support to find the right employer, apply for jobs, access workplace modifications and more.

If you already have a job, but are having trouble meeting the requirements of your job because of injury, illness or disability, a Disability Employment Services provider can help.

They'll work closely with you and your employer, or just you, to help keep you in your job.

Indigenous job seekers

Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander job seekers can access culturally appropriate employment services through Workforce Australia or Disability Employment Services.

Indigenous employment services include pre-employment training, work experience and access to Work for the Dole activities that benefit you and your community.

Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) Australians

Job seekers from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities may be eligible for specialist employment services from licensed Workforce Australia providers.

Get tailored support to find employment opportunities, apply for jobs, build your workplace skills and plan for your career.

Young Australians

If you're aged between 15 and 24 years old, you could be eligible for Transition to Work employment services.

You'll get practical help as you complete school, move onto further training and education or transition into work. The program can include apprenticeships, work-related training or further education.


ParentsNext helps parents with children under 6 plan and prepare for study or work. If you are receiving a Parenting Payment through Centrelink, you may be referred to the ParentsNext program by Centrelink.

You can also volunteer for the program if you live in a ParentsNext Intensive Stream location.

Changing careers

Career Transition Assistance helps Australians 45 years and over transition to a new job and build the skills and confidence they need to stay competitive in the job market.

You'll get practical and tailored support to find suitable job opportunities, improve your resume, boost your digital literacy and experience work in different industries.

Starting your own business

If you are thinking of starting your own business, you may be eligible for 12-months free support through the Self-Employment Assistance program.

Self-Employment Assistance providers can help you workshop your business idea, develop a business plan, access business training and connect with business coaches in your industry.

How to find a free recruitment agency in your area

In Australia, there are many private recruitment agencies as well as government-funded service providers.

Government-funded employment services are completely free for eligible job seekers.

You can find free recruitment services are in your local area by:

  • Getting a referral from Centrelink – if you are already receiving an income support payment from Centrelink, you'll have access to Workforce Australia Online. This is where you can self-manage your job search. If you need additional support, Centrelink will refer you to a Workforce Australia Services provider such as APM.
  • Contact a local provider directly – you can contact an employment services provider directly to see how they can support you.

APM is a licensed provider of Workforce Australia Services and Disability Employment Services.

Whether you need support to find meaningful work, stay in your job or prepare for your next career steps, we're ready to help. Get in touch to see how we can best support you.

Call 1800 276 932 or email