Meet Mel

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Hard work makes Mel shine.

Despite being confident in her strong work ethic, Mel, felt multiple barriers would prevent her from finding a meaningful job.

As a job seeker, Mel was worried her resume lacked a detailed educational background employers may look for in their candidates.

And she was concerned a previous criminal record would mean she could never get a chance to prove herself in a new workplace or reap the benefits of work.

It was through the jobactive program (now known as Workforce Australia) with APM Employment Services, and the support of the Matera Foundation, that Mel saw her work ethic rewarded and praised with her outstanding participation in an eight-week workshop.

From this accomplishment, Mel’s determination continued to grow and it didn’t take her long to secure an employment opportunity with Monadelphous.

Read a full transcript of this video.

"Mel was a stand-out candidate"

A stand-out candidate

When Mel approached APM she was at a low point, convinced she would never find work.

"I didn’t think I’d be able to get a job" she recalled.

"I lost hope, to be honest."

After her daughter came of age to go to school, Mel wanted to do more to support her family.

She was worried her lived experiences and her being a single parent would make her less employable.

The best part of Mel’s story is that she would prove herself wrong.

It all began when she enrolled in the 'Pathways to Employment' program, run by the Matera Foundation, which supports Indigenous job seekers in Western Australia.

"Mel was a stand out candidate in the program, she actually won an award" said Austin from APM Employment Services.

"I don’t think she missed a day of the whole eight weeks, she received the outstanding participant award for the program."

Mel’s outstanding efforts resulted in a job offer from Australian Engineering group Monadelphous.

"My family’s proud of me as well"

Proud of how far she’s come

Today, Mel is working in a FIFO role as a Dump Truck Operator.

Life has certainly changed for the better, with Mel’s loved ones supporting and encouraging her.

"I’m so proud of myself" Mel said.

"I’m feeling so good that I’ve actually accomplished something, and I’ve made something better of myself."

Austin remarks on how Mel has excelled:

"She’s really put the work in, and she’s not looking back – So, a fantastic outcome."

APM Employment Services CEO Karen Rainbow comments on the how employment opportunities can have profound, positive impacts.

"Many of our candidates have made big changes on their journey to employment" she said.

"Providing a truly personal employment service can really change someone’s life for the better."

"Everyone is worthy of the benefits which employment brings, whatever stage of life they’re at" she added.

While Mel is proud of herself, a touching measure of success came when her daughter came to her and said:

"Mum, I’m proud of you, what you’re doing and how far you’ve come."

And in her own words, Mel has found something she can look forward to, which she feels capable doing.

That’s how work enables better lives.

"I’ve got something to look forward to"

There are jobs out there.
We can help you find them.