APM is pleased to announce an extension of their Reds Volleyball Association’s partnership.
This continued support of Reds Volleyball will also additionally support the Association’s all abilities and sitting volleyball programs in Perth for 2023.
Inclusive sports help people of all abilities get out and about in the community, improving individual wellbeing.
President of the Reds Volleyball Association Anthony Meo said the Reds has thoroughly enjoyed the partnership with APM and looks forward to continuing the association this year.
APM’s signage will proudly adorn the side-line of the Reds home court and the APM brand will shine throughout the wider Reds community once again this season.
The all abilities and sitting volleyball programs invite people living with disability and anyone who wants to give a Paralympic sport go, to participate.
“We are incredibly proud to continue our partnership with a homegrown West Australian company whose beginnings, journey and vision aligns with ours at Reds Volleyball" Anthony said.
“This is an exciting partnership for our Reds community that will help to promote adaptive volleyball opportunities for individuals of all abilities to try a new sport and participate in a fun and engaging program.”
Sport is a source of joy and connection in communities across Australia.
APM sponsor several inclusive grassroots, state and national sports teams and leagues with players, fans, and organisers from all backgrounds.
“APM is very proud to partner with Reds Volleyball Association, and we look forward to supporting their all-abilities initiative that aims to get more people with disability into sport,”Mr Anghie said.
“Volleyball is a sport that appeals to all age groups, is gender-equal, very social and community spirited.”
Inclusive sports programs like these bring together people of all abilities and sporting prowess to experience a fun and accessible activity.
At all times, a players’ pelvis must be touching the ground, and service, blocks and attacks are allowed.
The game is played on a smaller court and a lower net than the standard version of volleyball.
The benefits go beyond out-scoring, too. Embracing a new team sport also comes with the added benefit of social connection, fitness, and a positive boost for mental wellbeing.
Have a go today
The first games of all abilities and sitting volleyball programs is happening in June 2023.
For additional information and to register, you can find out more and have a go.