Post placement support

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employee talking with a woman at a desk

Supporting you together

Our service doesn’t stop when you hire a new team member

APM is proud to provide comprehensive post placement support services including:

  • Spending time with your employee – to settle them in
  • Working with your employee to ensure they're able to meet your performance standards
  • Support and education to help your team welcome a person with disability
  • Help with any issues that arise
  • Support to get new equipment, tools or make workplace modifications

Your dedicated and committed APM employment consultant will keep in touch with you and your employee for at least six months, providing support, guidance and advice as necessary.

To find out how APM Employment Services can support your business, get in touch today or find your local APM office.

woman discussing with an APM employee smiling

If your employee needs further support

APM employee discussing with a man both laughing

Your new starter’s level of support gradually changes as they become used to working with you

In many cases we decrease the level of support needed and after 26 weeks we review the employment plan to see if they can work independently.

Depending on your employee’s needs and their progress, support could continue beyond 26 weeks.

As well as our comprehensive post placement support services, we may also help you make the best start with a new employee by:

  • Assessing the need for workplace modifications, training or equipment
  • Creating ordered instructions, checklists or reminders for multiple duties

  • Working with you and your employee to overcome any issues that arise 

Your employee’s success in your team is our main priority.

If you feel they need more support after they start with you, you can contact your dedicated APM employment consultant at any time to discuss additional options.

If things change

You don't have to lose a valuable member of your team if their circumstances change

If you're worried about losing your employee because of the impact of an injury, illness or disability, Work Assist can help.

Our Work Assist program provides support through assessments, training, workplace modifications, equipment, job redesign and access to allied health services.

Funded by the Australian Government, the service is provided at no cost to your business.

We work with you and your employee to find solutions to keep them in your team. These may include:

  • Advice about redesigning the job so they can keep working
  • Having your workplace assessed for possible changes
  • Having your workplace modified so they can continue to work
  • Specialised equipment to help your employee meet the job requirements