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There’s a job out there for you, let's go find it

If you have been referred to APM by Services Australia (Centrelink), then you’re in the right place.

If you have been referred to APM by another organisation, we may have support options for you too.

Our programs vary in the type of support depending on your needs, but they each include steps to help you:

  • build your job searching skills
  • find job opportunities near you
  • create a strong resume
  • prepare for job interviews
  • speak confidently to potential employers

Plus, we have specific support options if you're:

a female participant smiles in conversation with an APM consultant

Your first appointment with us

A Workforce Australia participant shakes hands with an APM manager

When you come to your local APM office, you'll meet your friendly, employment consultant who is dedicated to you and your job search.

Once you've registered with Centrelink and confirmed APM will be your employment services provider, you'll be contacted by us directly to set up your first appointment.

Your employment consultant will also email you a survey, which you will need to bring.

At this first meeting, we'll talk through how we help and what you need to do. We want to get to know you and understand where you're at.

We're interested in your strengths, your goals and any challenged to finding employment.

Contact us for more information on what to bring to your first appointment.