APM artist’s paintings see the world

Published on 16 Mar 2018


Artwork created for APM by Australian artist and youth worker Kirsty Nathan has been in the spotlight this week.

Kirsty’s meaningful Indigenous designs have been used in APM’s Reconciliation Action Plan and are on display at the company’s Perth head office.

Find out more about Kirsty’s artwork and APM’s Reconciliation Action Plan, on the Indigenous Engagement page. 

Featured in The North West Star.

Local paintings see the world

Kirsty Nathan, an artist and Youth Worker in Mount Isa, creates unique and inspirational Indigenous paintings, murals and designs.

The dot style is aesthetically pleasing to the eye but each element has a profound meaning.

Ms Nathan’s latest venture is to provide an artwork design to an international company called APM whose head office is in West Perth.

“This is the second time I have been commissioned to APM, they bought a design from me last year for reconciliation, and I’ve been lucky enough to have been commissioned again to design a piece of artwork for their scarves,” Ms Nathan said.

The reconciliation artwork has a purposeful meaning Ms Nathan explains.

“The light of the stars represent the next generation of people who need to continue to come together in reconciliation and the stars and space represent the never-ending circle of reconciliation.

“The two birds inspired me as a symbol of reconciliation because when you look at a pair of brolgas they move together and are often thought to be one,” she said.

Ms Nathan started painting when she was 14 years-old.

“I was in Alice Springs and I loved painting, so I painted a picture which the art gallery in Alice Springs sent to their sister gallery in London.”

Unfortunately Ms Nathan doesn’t have a picture of the painting.

“It was so long ago and lots of time has passed since then,” she said.

Ms Nathan comes from a family of creatives – her father was a well-known artist in Alice Springs and her mother and brothers are artistic as well.

“My family have been very supportive, my youngest brother has a completely different style of painting to me and James, another brother, is into tattoo art. Kyle is a brilliant boilermaker, he creates things with steel and so does my stepfather, one day I’d love for him to teach me. My nana’s taught me that education is important and you can't just live out your days daydreaming.”

Locally, Ms Nathan has painted murals, and supplied artwork designs to a number of state schools in Mount Isa.

“The first painting I ever did for a school was Sunset State School, now I have engaged in working with Townview State School, Mount Isa Flexible Learning Centre and local businesses as well.”

The Yarning Circle is a piece of artwork Ms Nathan created for Gidgee Healing. The design of dragonflies represents new beginnings and new life.

“Dragonflies are a very symbolic creature and their meaning is versatile, they can adapt and transform to change and challenge you to dig deeper.”

The future for our local artist is bright with steps being taken to start her own company and a work in progress with another local school.

People can contact Ms Nathan only through word of mouth at the moment, however social media sites will be available soon under her new business name - Red Clover Custom Arts.

“I’m doing something I love and if I could incorporate youth work into the picture as well, I’d be a very happy lady.”